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Psychedelic Source

Board certified and massage therapy and body work, Masters of science in education, managing owner at unwanted Oakland and unwin

Board Certified

advanced training
and experience

Meet Suz,

M.S., Ed.; BCTMB

Managing Owner at Unwind Oakland and
Unwind Learning
Designed above-ground Ketamine-Assisted
Massage Therapy and bodywork (KATM) in
partnership with KAT and KAP providers as well
as developed psychedelic/entheogenic
preparation and integration bodywork
In 2023, published the first NCBTMB board
approved continuing education course for
massage therapists and bodyworkers on the
topic of psychedelics and entheogens:
Introduction to Psychedelic Conversations and
the Massage Table (1 hour, Ethics)
Active participant in the process of crafting the
details of California Senate Bill 1012. Suz
stands for equitable access to services, a broad
pool of facilitators from various modalities and
traditions, and the protection of sincere
religious practice including indigenous
autonomy and benefits
Teaches workshops such as Ethical Safety and
Support Touch for Guides, Traditional Healers,
Psychotherapists, and Witnesses in multiple
languages and in cross-cultural groups
Working with Ethical Psychedelic International
Community (EPIC) to seed public guidelines
and resources on psychedelics and touch
Produced the Touch with Substance
Conference (2024)
Author of the upcoming book Beginner’s Body:
Introduction to Ketamine-Assisted Massage
Therapy and Bodywork
When she’s not at the office, she’s enjoying
time with her dog and exploring Oakland
where she’s lived since 2003